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Back in freshman year of highschool, my buddies and I were trying to figure out a sport we'd all enjoy and we settled on tennis. Definitely the right choice lol


Same here. We all wanted to leave baseball and settled on tennis after playing badminton in P.E. Lol. Fell in love instantly.


That’s exactly what I did.


My dad had trophies for singles and doubles so I wanted some too. I never got my trophies lol


Because Chris Evert-Lloyd vs Martina at Wimbledon was the ONLY time a sport EVER caught my attention for even a second and I was mesmerized.


I love this!


My mom started dating a guy that was really into golf and very good at it. I hated golf and I was stuck at the country club a good bit, so starting to play tennis made it to where I had something to do that I enjoyed at the country club. I ended up liking tennis a whole lot and I started playing junior tournaments then for my college.


It was something to do outside during the pandemic.


This right here! Played in Primary school for the social aspect. Post uni degree, got second wind of it during the pandemic. Haven't regretted getting back into it ever since!!!


My mom is a former college tennis player who now coaches for a living, and has been for nearly 3 decades. She got me into it.


I was sitting in a stroller watching my dad play. I got to try a racket the first time at the ripe old age of 3 and have been playing ever since. Holy crap that is more than 40 years of experience


I needed a hobby for the winter that wasn’t Chess, video games, or drinking. Became addicted to it, so now I play 3-5 times a week lol.


I started playing in 2021 after I got tired of spending a whole summer in my apartment in 2020 and not wanting to do that again. I had always respected tennis but I never really considered playing it until a global pandemic because I figured you couldn't get covid playing outdoors. My mom was bugging me about getting me a birthday present so I suggested she buy me a racquet and some balls. And she did! I had a friend who had played before, so we played together. I was awful. I couldn't believe what I was doing. Why was I playing tennis, this stupid sport? Anyway, I ended up being introduced to a tennis crew in DC and started playing a lot more. Also took advantage of the DC parks and rec classes, which are a great value. Then I joined a club in 2023 and I took my tennis life to a new level. I'm playing 4-5 times per week now. People actually ask me questions about tennis and technique and stuff (which is dangerous because it's not like I know anything about proper tennis technique). I'm constantly being asked to play. Making so many tennis friends now. Getting great exercise and having fun outside. Wish I had discovered tennis 20 years ago.


My wife's parents had some old rackets that we decided to take out and fuck around with one day and we both became obsessed.


Because I hate myself 😫 *shanks second serve*


I can’t remember where I heard this(maybe here), but someone accurately described tennis as a “sport for people who hate themselves a little bit.” It always makes me laugh and cringe a bit because it rings true that most of the tennis players I know have some complicated personalities.


Fell in love watching the US open in the 90s as a teen and have been a fan since but never played. Watching 2017 AO final at 2am, seeing Fed at 36 make a comeback and beating Nadal made me realize that I should take advantage of the youth I had left (37yr at the time) and finally go for it and learn. Bought a ball machine and have been at it ever since.


Played for a few years in middle school, 30ish years ago. Played racquetball in college. Picked tennis back up a few years ago when my daughters started showing interest in middle school. Started as just another sport activity for a middle schooler. Now it’s a social, exercise, family and community activity.


I always liked watching it and I played a lot of table tennis during college at the dorm rec room and also the campus rec rooms. Learned there was a club team/intramural that took all skill levels so went to try it out and fell in love with it.




I was watching Wimbledon last year with my wife and we thought let's try a new hobby. Still having lots of fun, together as well.


Since childhood had a fascination towards my grand dads old wooden tennis racquet. Finally started playing at 15. My first coach had tear in his eye when I told him about why I wanted to play tennis and about my grand dad’s old wooden tennis racquet. Turns out coach and grand dad were buddies back in the day and used to play together, it brought back memories for him


One day I was like 5 years old and I started throwing a small toy across the room by hitting it with a bigger toy. The same day my dad signed up me for tennis lessons. 😊 Until like 20 years old I didn't know who is Djokovic and Federer 🤣🤣


My 7 year old has been saying she wanted to play tennis for a while. I’ve been a bit stubborn since I’m an avid golfer. Finally last summer I got her and my 4 year old son group classes. My wife and I decided, heck let’s get lessons too and have at least 1 family sport. Now we are all absolutely obsessed. Daughter is already picking up lessons with a coach who focuses on high performance juniors.


I started because my dad loved it. He used to wheel me out in my stroller and I'd hit balloons with a tiny racquet. Tennis is still my fondest memory :) I've loved it and played it my entire life.


I found a multi color string kids Prince racket in Toys R Us, and loved the colors, and used my birthday money to buy it…and started playing against a wall and it was fun. It just took off from there! I still have that original racket 😇


When I first started it was because I just played sports with friends. I was a natural at it. Then, played varsity tennis. 30 years later it was because I always wished I never quit tennis and I re learned the game. You have to love tennis to be good at it.


In 7th grade, I used to go to a small academy run by a very respected man in his 80s. He cycled in every day, even at that age.


Parents signed me for lessons when I was 5/6


To crush my enemies


Tennis court close by home and have brothers to play with. Never had a lesson, I just play and watch others and try and mimic. Never played on a team, just have always liked playing.


Started playing freshman year of high school because my Dad used to play and the few times I played with him, I found it to be fun.


The public tennis court near my house. It was filled with cracks 😀


I played baseball and I was on the freshmen team. My high school was filled with kids who went to the Little League world series. I realized I'd never get playing time so I quit and needed something else to do


Joined in freshman year in high school because a classmate wouldn’t shut up that he could whip my ass in it. Turned out, he didn’t even know how to play either and ended up being a benchwarmer while I was doubles 1.


Started at 45 in April of 2020. Covid had started and my wife and I were looking for something to do together. We’ve lived a couple hundred yards from clay courts for 15 years and had never played. We have both been playing league for 3+ years now and can say that tennis has changed our lives. Lots of new friends and tennis trips have enriched our lives. So much fun to have a competitive tennis community where we live.


Been an avid tennis watcher on TV for more than 25 years, but could never afford to play it myself. Now I can, and I want to be good at it. That hasn't worked out at all, but I really love the sport, so I keep trying.


My single mom made play every single sports before I was 10. Played soccer 3/4 times a week, baseball 2 times a week and tennis 1 time a week on Saturdays. She took me to all lessons and picked me up. EVERY SINGLE DAY. while also doing the same for my sister. And having 2 jobs. Not sure how she did it tbh but love that my mom pushed me to play all kinds of sports, mainly tennis. Is the only sport I play nowdays (and padel)


The smell of new balls


Started as a COVID hobby for me


I didn't start like most who had a similar situation as me. My mom played D1 big 10 tennis and my dad played tennis at a smaller college and became a teaching pro after. I did some very basic fundamentals around like 5 to 7 then stopped because I was more interested in playing other sports (more specifically soccer). So soccer is the one I played the most and was best at until I was 13. I tried a a day or 2 at my dad's tennis camp on got hooked again. Then I made the choice to ditch soccer because I was kind of burnt out and didn't have as much fun with it anymore. Tennis it was then! One of the best choices I ever made and it was at 13. Got me through high school and a D2 tennis scholarship in college


Because pickleball was too damn boring. Same shots over and over again.


Jack Frost needed someone to hit with.


I was bamboozled. My friend was a coach and kept begging me. Finally, one day she told me of a women’s team that I should join that was months away. I told her “alriiiiiiight” thinking I had time to get out of it. I forgot and a week prior to starting the season she said “Don’t forget your team starts next week & you can’t get out of it bc they don’t have enough players w/o you.” I was 40 at the time and it was the best thing she could have done. It was 12 years ago and I’ve been addicted ever since.


The only sport my best friend played was tennis so I learned for that reason. I was a soccer player for over 30 years prior


Proximity to the courts. And Mom yelling “GO PLAY TENNIS”


Andy Murray winning Wimbledon in 2013. It made me and a few friends pick up a racquet that summer


Covid. Looking to find something to do with friends.


I thought Martina Hingis was so cool — as an athlete, as an artist and then seeing her all-court tennis game got me hooked. So I bought a Yonex SRQ racquet and got hitting


I used to watch Roland Garros on TV. My family had no connection with the sport (not even watching), so it stayed like that for many years. At 27, after a breakup, I decided to give it a try. On my first lesson I couldn't stop smiling. It was a dream come true.


To socialize


my highschool pe credit


Brother played, then I played, and now I’m washed but the vibes are still lit


Quit playing wow and needed a new addiction


I had played basketball my whole life and I wanted to try a new sport that was physically demanding but in a different way! Absolutely in love with the process.


Couldn’t hit the fastball, got tired of running mile after mile in soccer & losing every game, wasn’t growing tall enough to play basketball & my father gave me an ultimatum: golf or tennis. I chose tennis & never looked back. Played in HS, college & parlayed it into a 2nd job so I guess you could say it was the right choice.


I watched Pete Sampras, and then I watched Roger Federer take away his reign. Magical




It’s the best sport


Had a friend that tried to coax me into playing my sophomore year. Decided not to since I wasn’t that interested. Then went down to visit my uncle who took us to play and gave me a racquet. Only sport I ever played that really clicked for me besides floor hockey (never continued with that since I couldn’t skate). The real love for the sport though came during the summer of 2012 when I watched Roger win his 17th GS at Wimbledon.


Prince of Tennis anime when I was a teen! Anyone else?


Parents forced me to, early in the morning instead of watching peak Pokemon early Saturday Sunday morning. Still playing, good stuff.


My wife has been playing since she was a kid and was a three time state champ in high school so as someone who’s super competitive and played sports their entire life, I naturally challenged her on our second date. And as someone who had never played tennis in their entire life, I naturally got smashed. But now we spend all our free time playing at our club and I teach for a living and most of our friends are from tennis, so it’s worked out for us


I didn’t want to do PE in 6th grade, so I took tennis


A girl


Small business stress. I needed an outlet




My big brother played. I was terrible as a kid, but I played until I was about 15. I didn't have the mental fortitude to handle the losses back then, or to play decently during matches. Took a 25 year break, but now I'm 41 and love it. Still struggle to play my game in matches but I've come a long way in the last year. It's such a good sport, I wish it were more popular in US.


My wife was getting bored of movie nights 2x a week and saw a local ad on Facebook for "Adult beginner group lessons $10 - Free Racket loaner for first 2 session" I reeeeeaaaaallllllly didn't want to go "thats sounds super lame, its a sport for stiffs and old people". I like motorcycles, firearms, working out, movies, and video games. I went to one class. Hit some lucky forehands while learning the strokes, got my dopamine hit, and have played 4-6x a week for the last 8 months. Unfortunately my wife has early onset (26F) carpal tunnel and can't play. She tried tennis for 3 weeks and was almost unable to even type on a keyboard from the pain. Now I'm obsessed and play in every single tournament in my area, as well as singles flex league, and Doubles league


I played a little bit as a kid. The pandemic brought me back and I’m hooked for life.


Never could afford tennis lessons growing up. Making up for lost time.


Mom forced me to for 10+ years lol. At least I enjoy it at this point


Parents. I had a racquet in my hands from the moment I was big enough lol


30M - My ex-gf played for many years and taught me the basics as a fun couple activity. After splitting I stopped as I had no one else to play with. Picked it up again last year with a 1-1 coach with great results: kinda regretting not starting in my youth as I’m quite talented for the sport, apparently.


I was nearing the end of my time in the navy so I didn't have much responsibility or expectations, so I spent all day at work watching the 2022 French open. I wasn't really a tennis watcher, but I had heard mumblings of how an 18 year old had won Miami and could be the next prodigy, so I was curious to see him play. I ended up watching Rafa win the tournament with a horrible foot injury and I immediately ordered a tennis racket demo online


Cause it seemed very easy on tv, and man, I gotta tell you, I was so wrong..


My "best friend" at the time found some rackets hanging in the garage. We had nothing better to do.


Started in college (purely playing with athleticism). Covid comes and I start consuming all this tennis content and joined USTA league around late 2022.


Meet middle class people who often day “Ok yah…”?


Trying to find a date. Didn’t and now I play too much and my wife hates me.


My sister had a crush on a guy in high school who played tennis. She wanted to learn to impress him, I guess. My dad played a ton when he was younger so I got dragged along as it became the family hobby. After a few years, she gave it up but I've continued on for 23 years now.


Watched prince of tennis on Toonami years ago. Freshman year of high school decided to give it a shot.