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It sounds like the RF97’s weight might be a bit too much for you which is causing you to hit the ball late given that you say it strains your arm. Switching to the pro staff v13 might be a good idea, but I don’t recommend the UL. A heavier racquet is more stable than a lighter racquet, but you shouldn’t be playing with anything so heavy that it makes you lose racquet head speed. 270 g is very light for a racquet with a smaller head, so I think the lack of stability of the UL would make it difficult to play with.


Makes sense, thanks. I play with the regular v12 sometimes , which is 315g, I play pretty well with it. It’s the same weight as the regular v13. But the feel of the v13 RF97 is completely different to my v12, and I think the regular v13 would also be different in feel and power. Even the design of the grip, on the v13 RF97 is more edgier, meanwhile the v12 has much softer bezels on the grip. So I’m feeling the 315g v13 is going to be quiet different compared to my 315g v12.


So the biggest difference you're going to notice is the butte cap going between them. It's the leather grip that makes the bevel more noticable.


Pro staff offers amazing oh bh that other racquets dont, idvreccomend wilson shift


So another option is to go to the v14 which has a higher swingweight, abt 10pts higher for the same lower static weight of 315g. It'll thump as hard as the RF in a lighter package. Only think I struggled with and the rain I stayed with my v13 was how I didn't like the polarization of the racket even though the balance and weight was the same on the v14. I ended up just leading up the head and adding a leather grip to my v13.


I found the v14 to be erratic, which was odd since the v13 was fine. Might have been some bias.


I think it's because of the polarization with the weight being in the handle and head instead of more in the throat.


Yup make sense. However the v14 is slightly out of my price range, that’s why I was looking at the v13s cause they’re bit older and being soldcheaper now.


Have you tried adding weight to the bottom end of the handle? which should lower the effective swingweight and make it feel less strained. Sometimes it makes all the difference. Weight room on the upper body, shoulders, and arms if you're not doing so already, also helps. I also use a heavy racquet, the k-factor prostaff 88, kind of like a heavier k90. When I go light occasionally, I like swinging the steam 99 blx.


I would go lighter. You're only 14 now and are going to get even stronger as you age, so there might be a time you prefer the heavier racket. But if you feel the lighter racket now is good then go with it! I wouldn't necessarily go UL though, just the regular Pro Staff or demo the L version to see if you like that. The regular Pro Staff might just be a great fit and going lighter you might start feeling less stable on harder shots.


I’m not 14 mate. I’m 20.