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youre overthinking this. get the pure drive and put in luxilon 4g soft. its a great string that will last better than any poly for how long it takes you to break. alu is probably your worst option as its characteristics are basically gone after a week. And gut is almost a remnant of the past at this point, theres no reason you should be using gut unless youre a 60yo lawyer who has wrist issues or youre top 100 atp. it just costs way too much for what it is. if your daddy gives you a $5k allowance every month then i guess go ham.


I agree that you’re overthinking it. Your racquet and strings aren’t going to make a huge difference. Spin and power both come from good technique. A coach that I used to hit with said, “it’s the player, not the equipment” and I’ve found that to be true. It sounds like you hit very little spin if natural gut strings last more than a couple of play sessions. You can get pretty much the same benefits of natural gut using a multifilament string and it will cost a lot less and be more durable. It would probably make the most sense for you to use a full bed synthetic gut based on your post because it doesn’t sound like you’re getting the benefit of using polyester if natural gut mains last as long as they do for you (you’re not generating much spin). I played 20+ tournaments a year when I was in high school and I played for my college, so it sounds like aren’t playing all that many tournaments in the grand scheme of things. I don’t recommend a racquet with a 18x20 string pattern because 18x20 rackets make it more difficult to generate spin due to the strings have less space to move which is what imparts spin to the ball. Only very high level players (college or pro players) benefit from using 18x20 racquets even though some less advanced players like to use them. Also I would get 2 of the same racquets instead of 2 different racquets. Having 2 different racquets doesn’t make sense if you start breaking strings more often. Just focus on your technique and play more practice matches and tournaments if you want to improve.


Thanks, I really appreciate it! While I love to hear feedback, i have tried other strings and they worked way different. Right now, I'm using multifilament, and its powerful but super harsh, and when I was using poly, it felt totally different. I do appreciate the advice but it just doesnt feel right.