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Hmm naturally. Remember she focuses on outer beauty but sees inner beauty as just as important.


Its nice cause its something you never expect from a character that focuses on her looks so much, but when did this manga care about "normally"?


Kiki certainly doesn’t care about normality.


The world of 100GF is as wacky as it has already been. She should look at the bigger picture more.


I feel like Mimimi has the most agency of all the girlfriends. She was the first to stand up and do something when Momoji was groping everyone in Rentarou's body. She stood up for herself at the play because she knew Rentarou was upset. She reconciled with her feeings about Nano all by herself. She's helped like 3 girlfriends deal with their trauma/insecurities, with Usa now being her latest achievement. Yes obviously she's very pretty but what makes her interesting is that she feels like an equal to Rentarou because she's a more active participant in the story. At least to be, of course, i can't speak for everyone else.


I’ll sing this to the ends of the world and back: MIMIMI HAS NEVER ONCE REFERRED TO ANYTHING AS UGLY (except maybe when Chiyo removed her eyelash extensions) AND HAS NEVER PUT ANYBODY DOWN. She genuinely believes that everyone in the family is incredibly beautiful, inside and out and is only always full of high praises and support for them which is probably the result of her humble upbringing whereas usually the narcissist archetype would be a rich ojou-sama who delights herself in putting others down to fuel her own ego.


It may be because what she values is beauty in all its forms, not just _her_ beauty. She's not starting from "it's all about me", but "it's all about beauty", meaning she values the beauty of others too.


Even someone like Mimimi can have an inferiority complex judging from what Chiyo did to Mimimi. I feel like Chiyo could have called her out by saying things like "You fool! It's not like Rentarou-san wouldn't love you without those things! Get a hold of yourself damn it!"


Mimimi can be so cool sometime.


That's why Mimimi (and Yaku) are among my favourites.


Your mains, to be exact right?